
Ecommerce site and SEO

  • Ecommerce site and SEO

    Electronic commerce or e-commerce consists of the buying, selling, marketing, and servicing of products or services over computer networks. The information technology industry might see it as an electronic business application aimed at commercial transactions.

    To make an ecommerce site seo-ed you have to keep in mind a few basic things. This will not only enhance your chance of converting visitors to customers. The main idea of any site is to attract visitors to the site.

    Tracking Code should be placed to keep a track of the different site statistics.

These basic things should be maintained:

  1. Proper Planning for the Pages.
  2. Unique Titles
  3. Meta Description and
  4. Meta Keyword along with a host of factors
  5. Proper linking between the categories of the site
  6. Product Screen
  7. Product Descriptions

    Until and unless you understand the importance of a site being seo-ed, you will never understand the importance of visitors.

    Designing is a part and parcel of the seo work. Proper navigation methods, structure and layout are as important as anything.

If you have any problem you can revert back to the person for more information.


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