- Webmaster Tools - That help your site to be Search Engine Friendly and Business to flourish.
Today you are running a business and not having a website of your own is something most of the people cannot think of! .
Websites are now the medium of online business solution. Your sites should be the medium of solution in most of the cases. Today, if you are running a business on website design then you should aim to have your site in the top ten listing for the keyword website design. The basic aim is to draw visitors to your site and make them customers for your product.
After the basic criteria is fulfilled then what? Are you happy with the sale or you want to increase it a bit further. The willingness to get in more traffic increases day by day… Now that you have attained a certain level the idea of your site management comes in. But maybe you are a bit late why? Probably you have missed the chance of gaining more traffic to your site if you have done a bit of tweaking here and there.
Here come the Webmaster tools that help you to get an overview of the different aspects of the Site Management.
Google Tools
Google Analytics
Google Blogger
Google Adwords
Google Adsense
Google Alerts
Google Sitemap
Yahoo Tools
Yahoo Publisher Network (YPN)
Yahoo Site Explorer
Google Analytics
This helps you to get into the details of your site analysis like the source of your visitors.
Google as you all know started of with their famous Search Engine then Gmail their known mail service and now free web analytical tool. So, what it is how it works and how much help will it be for the webmasters?
The Web Analytics Marketplace
There are so may web analytic tools available in the market that ranges in between $500 to $5000. But will you rely on some other analytic tool over the brand name of Google. Very few people will actually do so.
At the end of everything will you hand over your site statistics to Google? Will you consider the fact that Google is having all kind of information about your site? The answer may vary according to the need of the web master.
The real people who will benefit are the people who have very few knowledge or trust over other third party web analytics tool. Moreover the most important part played by Google was to make this software free and easily maneuvered part by part.
What features?
I could use it in many ways as I want but when it comes to rationale person they have to understand what features Google Analytics offer. The system has all the basics, the page views, the visitor counts, the path tracking, the technical info like browser/platform/resolutions. You not only have to understand but also make sure that your tweak them according to your need and you may actually not need to implement everything.
You can see the following features for the site www.xyz.com
Visits and Page Views:
This suggests that on an average people view xxx pages of the website.
Visits: This the total number of visitors who have visited the site xyz for the period mentioned.
New Visitors: This shows you the percentage of new visitors to the site.
Returning Visitors: This shows you the amount of visitors who have already visited the site and now they have again come to the site so, returning visitors.
Geo Map Overlay: This gives you an overview of the visitor category like where they come from and the number of person from that area.
Visits By Source: This gives you an overview of the source from where people have come in to your site like:
Direct – Typing the URL of the site.
Google – The percentage of visitors who have come from Google.
MSN - The percentage of visitors who have come from MSN.
How to do it
It’s pretty simple how to go about installing a google analytic.
Register yourself with a Google Account and then copy paste the Google Code into the individual pages of the website.
You can do customization according to the need by creating filters and Goal
Even you have the ability to track ecommerce transaction via other customization.
Why Google Analytics
Google is coming up with so many tools to help webmasters analyze their site I think this tool will go a long way in the future. It is a powerful tool with so many features that you can’t simply avoid it. The biggest thing that Google offers to the users is that it is priceless and it’s free unlike other web analytics. Personally, I have respect for Google and that persuades me to go for it and I am pretty sure you all will feel the power of it once you use it.
First time Google will have access to your real website statistics. And I believe these statistics will be far more accurate than those provided by other tools like Alexa - http://www.alexa.com.
Furthermore, Google's privacy statement (http://www.google.com/intl/en/privacy.html) says: " We may also use personal information for auditing, research and analysis to operate and improve Google technologies and services."
Google Adwords
Google Adwords - “Advertise your business on Google “
“No matter what your budget, you can display your ads on Google and our advertising network. Pay only if people click your ads.”
Your advertisement will appear on Google
When people type in their keywords on Google your ads may appear as a sponsored listing either in the vertical column on the right hand side or in the horizontal column on the top.
You can attract customers People will be interested to see what is there to offer from Google and will click on the ads provided as they look interesting and something out of the way.
Google Adsense
Google AdSense is a fast and easy way for website publishers of all sizes to display relevant Google ads on their website's content pages and earn money. Because the ads are related to what your visitors are looking for on your site — or matched to the characteristics and interests of the visitors your content attracts — you'll finally have a way to both monetize and enhance your content pages.
It's also a way for website publishers to provide Google web and site search to their visitors, and to earn money by displaying Google ads on the search results pages.
Google Alerts
These Google alerts help you to get updated with the latest news in the fields of Search Engines. You can sign in to Google Alert for various topic categories according to your need like email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic. - Why Google Alerts?
Monitoring on the development of news story
Keeping up to date with your competitor or others in the same industry
Getting the latest updates on celebrity or Hollywood news
Keeping an eye on the favorite sports teams
These are not normal news that you can find at the news section of any branded network of news like CNN or BBC news.
Google Sitemap
Google Sitemap one of the most useful utilities found out by Googlers. Everyone acknowledges the Google sitemap program and they believe this is a new revolution to the world of Internet
The sitemap generator was basically designed to present at in-depth overview of the website for better results. Because most of the online sites do not adhere to the basic standards like design navigation so sometimes Googlebot (Google Spider) find it difficult to crawl all the pages of the site. So. There is high probability that all the pages of a site may not get crawled and get registered with the Search Engine. There are more intricate matters that are taken care of by Google Sitemaps like crawling problems the areas suggestions to modify it. These provide as guidelines to the Webmaster to abide by and prove to the Search Engine that the site is in line with the basic standards.
Google Sitemaps was officially started in June 2005. This tool makes it easier to submit the web pages to Google. The added features are the detailed reports that are also generated by Google Sitemaps. In order to use the Google Sitemaps program, a person need only download a free open source tool called Sitemap Generator or use one of the many 3rd party applications. These utilities are what helps in creating a sitemap of the Webmaster’s website using the Sitemap protocol that is being backed by Google itself.
The new features of the Google Sitemap program makes it suitable for the webmasters to analyze their site structure. This is a good Search Engine Optimization tool. This helps in the seo work for the seo professionals to strategize the seo plan. Though this doesn’t provide any guarantee for top ranking in Google or for any other search engines. This is just one of those tools that will help you as part of the total plan.
For example the “top search queries” feature of Google Sitemaps allows you to see the top search queries that not only returned the client website as a result as well as those that Google searchers actually clicked on. This feature also allows you to see the top position for the website in the search results generated for either set search queries. The positions indicated are an average of the movement for the last three weeks.
For example you will get a hang of the different pages of the website how they are getting crawled and what is the duration of the crawl, which part of the site is having a problem in getting indexed by the search engines.
Sitemap should be a part of the total Search Engine Optimization Plan. The main idea of a website is to fetch business through online marketing of the product or services that they produce or act as a third part vendor. A small mistake on the part of the Webmaster can be fatal and may lead to tremendous shortfall of traffic to the site. You should be aware of the different technicalities of the website that may or may not cause problems to the site visitor.
The Next part of the post will be coming up shortly.Till then have a happy weekend.
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